Who took the "Human" out of Humanity?
What happened to humanity?
You know, "humanity?"
hu·man·i·ty P Pronunciation Key (hy-mn-t)
n. pl. hu·man·i·ties
- Humans considered as a group; the human race.
- The condition or quality of being human.
- The quality of being humane; benevolence.
- A humane characteristic, attribute, or act.
Somebody, it seems, decided that politics and power and revenge and vengence and money and greed were more important than humanity when it came to defining the average US citizen. And then, most unfortunately, the average US citizen agreed with that somebody. We don't often hear about our sense of humanity. We more often are told about our sense of pride, of patritotism, of being the very best country in the whole wide world.
My two cents: Unless humanity, as defined above, tops the list of who we are and what we do in this nation, we don't have a chance in being the best at anything.
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