I'm Betty Lou!

How do you do? Common sense for common folk ... but just because you're common doesn't mean you have to be ordinary.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Helpful Tips on Anything and Everything That Might Apply To You

Keep these little gems tucked away in the recesses of your mind. They'll be there when you need them.

1. Even if you think you're a fashion maven, it's still considered gauche to wear white shoes and carry a white purse prior to Memorial Day.

2. If you have little ones, every once in a while it's a good idea to lie down or kneel down on the floor with them. Look at the world from their point of view.

3. Save the freebie shower caps you get at hotels. They make a perfect cover for a leftover bowl of food that's going into the fridge.

4. If you're wearing pantyhose with a dress or skirt and you use the ladies room, ALWAYS make sure you check to see if your dress or skirt is tucked into your pantyhose before leaving the ladies room.

5. If you ever find yourself walking in the dark alone, whether it's in a parking garage, down a dark street or through a park, sing opera. Sing loud and sing badly. Alternate the singing with whooping and saying non-sensical things out loud. Any would-be attacker will stay clear because he'll think you're nuts.

6. Do not save or wear ripped or holy underwear. It's true what your mother said. If you get into an accident and they have to cut your clothes off of you, you'll be mortified. Even if you're unconcious when they do it, deep down you'll still know and be mortified.

7. Hair conditioner is a good alternative to shaving cream for shaving your legs or under your arms.

8. Don't do everything with your partner. Find interests that don't interest him/her and vice-versa. If you're not comfortable or can't have a good time in your own company why would anyone else want to be with you?

9. In warmer weather I used to get red itchy patches on my cheeks and on the wrist where I wore my watch. It turned out to be a reaction from the metal in my watch and my glasses frames. Coating metal that touches your skin with a layer of clear nail polish solves the problem immediately.

10. Buy generics, especially for allergy medicine, cold medicine and pain relievers. Read all labels and learn names such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, loratadine and diphenhydramine. For instance - Claritin tablets, which are 10 mg of loratadine, can run as much as $1 a pill. I can buy a package of 5 loratadine pills, same dosage, at the dollar store for $1.