You Can't Make Pork Chops Out of Pigs Feet
The current administration's smoke-and-mirrors show to shift attention away from Iraq is a marvel . The following was overheard in the White House Oval Office this past week. It is unclear who is in attendance but we do hear a few names that may help us out.
", in conclusion I think most Amuricans will support us if we choose to shoot a bunch of Mexicans."
"Yeah, who the Hell do they think they are, comin' over here thinkin' they're gonna take away a crop pickin' job from out nation's youth."
"Let's see a show of hands. How many in here want their kids picking crops this summer?"
"Uh, Dick don't be a dick about this. Just put the gun down and use your hand if you want to vote. Okay, back to the vote. (pause)
Yeah, that's what I thought. We need another reason to keep the wetbacks from comin' in here."
"I was at a store once and the person who sold me my pipe tobacco spoke more Mexican than he did English. I told him, 'Fella, this is my country and you're a guest here. As a guest I expect you to speak my language and while you're at it, take down all that crap that you have hanging from your rear view mirror."
"That's exactly what we're trying to say with this new immigration policy, Carl. We need to make them understand that if they cooperate, learn the language, work their dark-skinned asses off for 5 bucks an hour and thank us for helping them get a foot up in our promised land AND after they pay taxes for 4 or 5 years, then, maybe we'll consider allowing them to become Amuricans."
"Hell, yeah! And for the rest of those non-English speaking little brown fuckers, we'll just throw a few canisters of "Military whup ass" at them and watch them writhe around on the ground for awhile."
(chuckling ensues)
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