Mel, Mel, Mel ... Tsk, Tsk, Tsk ...
It' s times like these when we should all step back, take a deep breath and reconsider the depths to which we'll go, all in the name of "Celebrity Worship." Sure, we may all have our favorite movie stars or sports stars; people we might get tongue-tied or actually giggle in front of were we actually to come face to face with one of these icons.
But really, what's the point?
The "stars" we admire for their good looks and good roles or good moves aren't necessarily good people. Take Mel for instance. The admitted alcoholic got drunk, drove, got arrested, acted belligerent, made anti-semitic remarks, called a police officer "Sugar Tits"and summed up his public and perhaps private future in two words he allegedly repeated over and over: "I'm fucked."
I write this just after hearing of his public apology. I've not begun to read the mountains of reaction that's bound to come from what Gibson did and how he responded to what he did.
But here's my bottom line. When an admitted alcoholic falls off the wagon and puts himself into a position where he can harm others (ie. driving while intoxicated) that gets me upset. At the same time I'm willing to forgive the person when said person acts contrite about their actions and promises to do better. I'm sorry that Mr. Gibson lost this battle with his alcoholism and I hope he wins the next one, and the one after that.
What I can't forgive this movie star for is BEING a hateful, bigoted human being. Mel wasn't "ACTING" like an ass; he "IS" an ass. Demeaning Jews and women is apparently part of Mel Gibson's psyche. He can apologize for his behavior til the cows come home, it won't change who he is at his very core and that person is a very small person; someone who should have no influence in our culture and certainly not someone who should ring a bell on the glitzy Hollywood Superstar Meter.
What Mel did should remind us that we really know nothing about the celebrities we might admire. Nothing. And in light of the fact that Mel repeatedly and vehemently denied any anti-semitic overtones in his movie, "Passion of the Christ" and then turning around and blaming the Jews for all the problems in the world on Friday morning, it apparently doesn't matter what celebrities say while they're "being themselves." A role is a role is a role ... onstage or off.
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