The Presidential Election is 623 Days Away ...
...and already I'm weary of the empty rhetoric that rings false as soon as its left the lips of politicians with visions of oval offices in their heads. Today John McCain blamed Donald Rumsfeld for the Grand Bumblefuck known as Operation Iraqi Freedom. This is the same John McCain who spoke of DR this way just 3 months ago - " ... he deserves Americans' respect and gratitude for his many years of public service." But now that Mr. McCain is running for President he said this of Rummy - "We are paying a very heavy price for the mismanagement - that's the kindest word I can give you - of Donald Rumsfeld, of this war ..." and "I think that Donald Rumsfeld will go down in history as one of the worst secretaries of defense in history."
Funny how trying to get people to vote for you will make you say just about anything, right Hillary? I used to think you were the one. I hung my hat on your lucky star that was going to lead you back into the White House, only this time, you were going to wear the pants in the family. Not now. You're not genuine. Your convictions sound hollow and temporary. You used to speak with resonance. Now, you sound shrill. You're merely a ... you're a .... I can hardly bring myself to say the word. Hillary, you're just a politician. There, I said it. I'm sorry, Hil, but I don't want a manufactured President. I know that's asking a lot these days but I want a real person with a vision for this country, rather than a candidate with a vision of themselves on a postage stamp.
I guess what I'm saying is that I want Barack Obama to be our next American Idol. I don't want a professional snake oil salesman who will tell me whatever they think they need to so I'll vote for them. I don't want someone who's tucked into every available deep pocket with a special interest attached to it. I want a DC newcomer who is smart and savvy with a strong sense of self but who is selfless when it counts. I think Mr. Obama might be that person. I met and interviewed him once, before he won his senate seat. He's got light around him and I'm pretty sure it comes from within. Right now, that's enough for me.
But 623 days of more and more and more vapid soundbites? God, give me strength.
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