A Bush is a Bush is a Bush

A Consensus Within My Own Mind on our 43rd President...
As his party abandons him, the faithful who still rejoice in his essence are now sidestepping the issue of how effective, ineffective or downright dangerous GWB is on any given day. Now the response to W's actions run along the lines of "Well, he's a lame duck anyway so let's move on." Excuse me? Isn't this goofy gus going to continue dragging us down the road to ruin for another 20 months? He isn't napping for those 20 months, or if he is, Mr Cheney has the keys to the car. Prez GWB has already pawned off his new Patriot Act on a nation that didn't really like it the first time around.
If I hear "We will stay the course" one more time, I 'll start singing "Stand by Your Man" in a falsetto at the top of my lungs at the supermarket. How can we stay the course when we've never been more off course as a nation? Where are the elected democrats? Oh, that's right. They're crouching under their tables in the house and senate chambers, laying low until mid-term elections when they'll suddenly poke their heads out, declare that it's a brand new world and that they have the blueprint for a place called Shangrila . Enough! Please!
As an American citizen today I ask for one thing and one thing only of our elected officials. Here it is:
Introduce an idea, a proposal or a piece of legislation that will make a difference in the life of an American who is hanging on, waitng for someone to make a difference. Let this be the first action that is not motivated by party politics, the desire to be re-elected, pandering to lobyists, or with the expectation that whoever you do something for will do something for you in return. Do something because it's the right thing to do.
Am I naive? You betcha.
Wearing rose-colored glasses? Uh huh.
Jaded? No.
But we used to be a better nation then we are now. (see my previous post on "humanity.").
Aren't our elected officials going to be embarassed when they're old and a grandchild, sitting on their knee, asks "So, how come that selfish President got away with so much and you didn't even try to stop him?"
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