I'm Betty Lou!

How do you do? Common sense for common folk ... but just because you're common doesn't mean you have to be ordinary.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Betty Lou Has a Bad Case of the Flu!

Well, not really. Actually I have a respiratory virus but "Betty Lou" and "flu" rhyme so I took some poetic license. Besides, I feel lousy and I can be nice to me if I want to.

I sometimes wonder whether all people feel the same symptoms when they're sick. I have a rather low tolerance for pain. I'm a big baby when it comes to discomfort and right now I'm plenty discomforted. Does my achin' head feel like your achin' head? When you have a really throbbing headache at the base of your skull do you visualize it as someone just hit you in the back of the head with a shovel? I do.

Do you appreciate the satisfaction of coughing up big hunks of mucous when your cough was dry before? I do.

And what's more satisfying than a tissue full of you-know-what when you weren't able to produce anything from all the blowing you were doing before.

And finally (I saved the best for last), is there anything more wonderful than prescription cough medicine? The kind that makes you drowsy and you're not allowed to operate heavy machinery when you take it? Ah, bliss. I covet my cough medicine like Blimpy covets hamburgers