I'm Betty Lou!

How do you do? Common sense for common folk ... but just because you're common doesn't mean you have to be ordinary.

Friday, June 09, 2006


I never thought I'd see the day when Americans would celebrate like barbarians and toss aside all remnants of a civilized, cultural existence. I would never have been convinced that people with whom I work and interact would glorify killing. But it has happened and I've had to endure the dumbing down of an entire nation of people.

The only thing missing from yesterday's "party" over the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a nationally televised bouncing ball sing-a-long to Queen's "We are the Champions" and a unanimous, public beating of the chests accompanied by the Tarzan yell.

All I can say in my utter shock and dismay at the horrendous reaction by Americans to one man's death is "What does this behavior teach your children about America?" Perhaps we should pause to consider "WWAD?"

We don't have to ask "What would Jesus do?" If the Bible is to be believed, we already know that Jesus was a pacifist. He was certainly not a man of vengeance and would just as certainly have condemned the behavior exhibited by so many Americans yesterday. Like a father with a child who had just jumped into a playground brawl for no reason, Jesus would say, "I'm so disappointed in the choices you've made" or "This is not where your heart should find gladness."

But "WWAD?" This is the more relevant question. What would Abe do? Considered, by many, our finest President, Abraham Lincoln was mocked, ridiculed and despised during his reign as this nation's leader. No one let up on him. No one gave him a break or cut him some slack. This country was in the worst condition it had known in its rather young life. Torn in half with men dying by the thousands week after week, Lincoln pressed on to do what was right. He wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. But he didn't just write it, he enacted it. As hated as he was and with essentially no support Honest Abe did what was right. He freed the slaves. Men continued to die by the thousands every week and the country continued on with its divisiveness but still the Emancipation Proclamation was law.

What does Lincoln and the civil war and the Emancipation Proclamation have to do with the death and reaction to the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?


He stood alone to do what was right. We have stood together to do what is wrong. Whereas Lincoln was a man of great character, we are country of rogues. His legacy is legend among those who came after him. Our legacy, based alone on yesterday's juvenile and reprehensible behavior, will be legend among our children and their children. I have no doubt the chapter heading describing this day in our history will be,
"The Day Americans Shamed Those Who Came After."

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I Do ... I Do ... I really, really Do!

Our President ...hmmmm. Seen his approval ratings lately? Checked out our "successes" in Iraq recently? Heard about the marches on behalf of fair and compassionate immigration? Seen the flip side of that coin in which fellow citizens (or monsters) want to line the Mexian border with soldiers with guns? And what is GWB focusing on amidst these serious, somber issues? Gay marriage.


A Republican President wants the federal goverment to crack down on the downfall of morality in this country by banning gay marriage. First off, when did the Republicans publicly claim to be for MORE governemnt in our lives? How does a constitutional ammendment banning marriage by same-sex couples make my heterosexual union stronger? Because apparently it does. I keep hearing, over and over again, that banning gay marriages will lift up heterosexual unions as the bastians of all things natural and good and pure. Next thing you know, Billy Bob Butt Fuck won't be able to cornhole his wife without the Republican party bursting into his bedroom and telling him that doing that won't produce a baby. Because, again, our Republican President is ordering marriage to be about, and only about, making babies. I guess that means no more foreplay, no more oral gratification, no more anything that might serve as an expression of love or excitement or passion or role playing. Straight in, dump a load, pull out and turn off the lights. My oh my, ain't traditional, hetero marriage grand?