More Tips on Improving Your Diction
Betty Lou has noticed that a particular post from August 11, 2006 has been receiving the most hits on this blog. That post is entitled "Repeat Each Phrase Rapidcly to Improve Your Diction." Betty Lou has also noticed that people from all around the world have clicked on that post. I imagine these folks are trying to learn to speak English to the best of their ability. So along that vein and in the spirit of helping people sound their best and clearest in their diction, I offer some more tongue twisters and a few tips to help improve diction and articulation.
Begin saying the phrases slowly, clearly voicing each vowel and consonant.
Repeat each phrase until you feel comfortable saying it before moving on to the next phrase.
After you've "mastered" each phrase, try complicating it by first, holding your tongue while you speak. Yes, it will sound terribly garbled but it will also point out to yourself where the tongue must be to properly pronounce the words.
Then, say the phrases with your tongue firmly planted behind your top two front teeth. Again, this will garble your phrases but will help you concentrate on how they should sound.
Good luck and happy speaking!
Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.
Greek grapes.
Peggy Babcock.
Plague-bearing prairie dogs.
Girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle.
Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.
Selfish shellfish.
Note: I have added another post with vocal exercises and warm-up techniques that you should utilize before you practice the tongue twisters. I also listed drinks to avoid when speaking as they can inhibit your vocal production. This post is called "And Yet More Tips to Improve Your Diction" and was posted March 1, 2009 on this blog.